Finding Hope in Hardship
“The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster.” -One Art by Elizabeth Bishop
These are the opening lines of a poem I once recited in middle school. I saw it and decided to recite it again for a college poetry class. In the 5 years since I memorized these words, they perfectly depicted the losses, sorrows, and grief I would experience.
I was the last to graduate from my middle school before it closed, days into freshman year was the Great Flood of 2016, and my dad was diagnosed with cancer weeks later as I was cut off by someone thought trustworthy. A teacher reached out and became a great support until things went haywire. Some drama split up my friend group and I turned to her. She sent me a Novena to pray, but on the 9th day my situation got 100x worse. I stopped believing in God bc that wasn’t the miracle prayed for. In August I wasn’t allowed to walk into school without signing a contract. They made my life miserable, yet my chances of getting into another school was threatened. October 18, 2017 I attempted suicide. That is a story in and of itself. Junior year my beloved cat Goldie died. COVID cut my senior year short and robbed me of graduation. My one chance to walk across the stage proving everyone wrong. To make matters worse, I’m half way through college and it’s been completely online.
However, I wouldn’t change my story bc it made me who I am and connected me with someone special. Someone who not only saved my life but who is also that role-model, leader, mother figure, friend, confidant, and support system everyone longs for and deserves. That was the miracle I never knew I needed. It opened my eyes. My heart yearns to walk with others through their brokenness so they don’t suffer alone. Whether I am that trustworthy friend, feel like family to someone, or am that role-model looked up to for advice; I will fill whichever role needed. There is purpose in pain and THIS IS MY PURPOSE! What’s important is you don’t lose yourself in the process, or better yet, discover your true self!
May 24, 2021
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